The miraculous journey of edward tulane
The miraculous journey of edward tulane

She commissioned his making, ordered his dapper clothing and smart pocket watch and, in the end, demanded a good deal more of Edward than he thought he wanted to give. Indeed, everyone except for Abilene’s grandmother, Pellegrina, condescends to him. His mistress, Abilene Tulane, loved him and “thought almost as highly of Edward as Edward thought of himself.” Edward is interested in little beyond his own comfort and beauty. Edward Tulane is a china rabbit-dapper and serious and more than a little superior. You will not be disappointed.Once again, DiCamillo harkens back to an older storytelling style, filled with magic and the transformational power of love.

the miraculous journey of edward tulane

As DiCamillo puts it: "If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless." If you are open to falling in love with a china rabbit named Edward Tulane, then pick up this book at once. There is an obvious reason that this book was released on Valentine's Day.the simple theme of love is what drives this story. Don't pass this book by because it sits in the children's section.this book is for everyone. It is the kind of book that you will treasure and recommend to others. This is the kind of book that you clasp to your chest when you finish it and then place reverently on a shelf to await the next reading. It is compelling enough that I had to plow through the remaining 150 pages to get to the end. The plot is simple enough that my four year old sat entranced as we read the first 50 pages together tonight.

the miraculous journey of edward tulane

Hands down though, this story is her best yet. With the attention my students pay to her writing, I can see, as a teacher, her tremendous skill and value to the world of books and reading. With her previous three books Kate DiCamillo had already proven to me, as a reader, that she is a spectacular author.

the miraculous journey of edward tulane

If this book doesn't bring tears to your eyes, then perhaps you need to make a journey similar to Edward's. Lewis would have loved it! The artist created wonderful illustrations also-they reminded me of the many old fashioned books of my mother's, which I found as a child and spent hours pouring the pictures. It is destined to become a classic, and I think C.S. Watching Edward go through different "owners," acquiring a variety of names (and being humbled in some instances!), and learning the different lessons about love in the process, was absolutely priceless! I don't think I have ever cried so much reading a children's story, as I did when Edward's heart began to ache with love and concern for little Sarah Ruth. The reader is given hope, in the midst of sometimes devastating circumstances, that one can not only love for the first time, but can aquire a depth of love which increases in its gratitude for others. The lessons this little rabbit learns about life, learning to love and love again, are truly a gift from the author. The story of Edward Tulane-the arrogant, little china rabbit-is one that every adult should read and have on their shelf for grandchildren, and friends. I highly recommend this book anyone, of any age. It was comforting and I read it over and over, so when I found it here I jumped at the chance to own it.

the miraculous journey of edward tulane

I first read it at 25 when I lost someone very close to me. The thing I love the most about this book is that it transcends age-you don't have to be six years old to enjoy it, but it's not so complex that it couldn't be read to young children and they thoroughly enjoy it. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is an incredible story of love, selflessness, and finding your way back home. Edward is found and adopted multiple times, each time given a new name and new friends. When he's finally rescued, things don't seem much better for him from there, but at least he's not being crushed under the sea. He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread until he finds himself at the bottom of the ocean, that is. A self absorbed, pretentious little rabbit with a China face in his fancy silk suits and ears made of real rabbit fur. The storytelling is rich and even though Edward cannot talk to those around him, he's quite expressive. This is one of my all time favorite books! I absolutely love it.

The miraculous journey of edward tulane